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What is the Sebone Conditioning?










This is the Sebone Conditioning what made in Japan. "Sebone" mean back-bone in Japanese.


This is a program to improve some symptoms of the body that cause distortion of spine by loosen exercise, adjusting and training.


The malfunction of a nerve impulse transmission by the distortion of the bone thinks with many causes unidentified various symptoms that are stiff shoulder, low  back pain, arthralgia, numbness of hands and feet, dizziness, headache, sleeplessness, autonomic imbalance.



<Important Points>

1.Becareful not to overdo exercise that I provide to show you.

2.After exercise, you may feel more soreness and feel strange, etc. That`s temporary condition.this is Reaction.



There are some cases that you may have some symptoms of feeling heavy(listless ) and pain after the nerves and muscles have been loosened by  the exercise. This is reaction of recovery.

If you have these symptoms, you need to exercise more gently or after exercise when you get at home, I recomend If you feel sore, apply heat-pack to the area where you are experiencing these symptoms.




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